President's Letter - December, 2022

November 30, 2022 4:11 PM | Nancy Moody

By Karen Stopnicki, WAS-H President

Dear WAS-H Friends,

I can’t believe it is December, how did a whole year pass by so quickly!?! My heart is full of gratitude, and I reflect on the many things I am thankful for, most especially the WAS-H community. We had a full year of classes, meetings, gallery exhibits, major shows, and a wonderful Art Fair. 

Our Small Treasures Holiday Bazaar continues through the month. Please come to our Holiday Party on Sunday, December 4th at 3pm to see it (and shop if you like). It will be a real celebration, and fun with festive food, a selfie station and great company.

On Thursday, December 1st, our Spring class schedule opens for priority member registration. I peaked at the classes, and it is a fabulous schedule! Speaking of classes, our IWE major workshop with the very popular Brenda Swenson will open for registration on Monday, December 5th with an Early-Bird price. The IWE (International Watermedia exhibit) call for entry is open, you can submit entries until January 13th, and see the prospectus HERE

So, hold on, because when January roars in, it will be busy! The January Gallery Show theme is Experimental, and just this time open to non-members, too. Here is the prospectus, entry deadline is January 4th. The January General Meeting on the 8th will feature award winning abstract artist Kim Granhaug. I can’t wait to see what she shares with us! And the January Paint-In on the 7th will be with one of our most favorite teachers, Joanie Hughes.

Keep an eye on our website for information about other upcoming events. The February Gallery Show theme will be Fire and Ice, with the prospectus available soon. And the Paint-In for February will be with Alison Hendry. Our standard events such as Open Studio, Model Lab and Senior Group are continuing at full force. With all our events and classes, the WAS-H building will be busy, busy, busy!

I just read an article about a restorer in Italy who lovingly dusts Michelangelo’s David several times a year. While fascinating tidbits about tools were shared – synthetic brushes work better and a small vacuum was attached to a Ghostbusters-type backpack – I was most intrigued with her feelings about a job many would view as tedious. She loved being able to contribute to conserving David’s beauty and felt she had the best job in the world. I think it clearly shows the impact art has on lives, providing something deep and meaningful in all of us. 

If you have already made a donation to our Annual Fund, thank you, thank you! If haven’t yet and would like to, you can donate online HERE.

My December wishes for you are the following. Stay warm, enjoy your family and friends, have meaning to the holidays you celebrate and blessings for a New Year. I am appreciative to all of you for being a part of WAS-H. I hope to see you soon!

Warm Regards,

Karen Houston Stopnicki

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