
Every 4-6 weeks, we offer a one-hour new member orientation for people who are new to WAS-H and want to know how to make the best use of their WAS-H Membership.  

Recommended Supplies

for the New Watercolorist!


Cold pressed watercolor paper (140 or 300 LB)

Sheets or block (Arches or Strathmore are fine brands) (9 x 12 inch surfaces is a good size to start)


Princeton and Winsor & Newton Professional synthetics and hybrids.

Utrecht is a fine brand. You don’t have to go expensive, but don’t buy cheap. Numbers and corresponding sizes are NOT consistent across different brands.

  1. Flat Brushes (small and medium) Example: Princeton Umbria size 6 and size 10 or similar.
  2. Filbert Brushes (small and medium) Example: Princeton Umbria size 6 1/2 and size 10 or similar.
  3. Round Brushes (small and medium) Example: W & N Professional size 4 and size 8 or similar.


Winsor & Newton and Daniel Smith. M Graham & Co., and Holbein are fine brands.

There can be very slight differences in hue between brands. But it’s not enough to worry about.  You will develop your own favorites.

1. Winsor or Cadmium Lemon

2. Quinacridone Red

3. Burnt Sienna

4. Cobalt Blue

5. Sap Green

6. Ivory Black

7. Raw Sienna

8. Alizarin Crimson

9. French Ultramarine

10. Dioxazine purple

To Draw:

Pencil: HB or 2B graphite pencil

Erasure (kneaded recommended)


Watercolor palette with both large flat mixing surfaces and separated wells.


Scotch Blue painter's tape

Board / hard surface to tape your paper to.

Paper towels

Spray bottle with water

Hair Dryer

It's recommended to work with your surface on a 20-30 degree angle.

Recommend Books

for the New Watercolorist!

by Alison Hendry:

1. “The watercolorist’s Essential Notebook” by Gordon MacKenzie

2. “Watercolor. The Complete Course” by Stan Smith (Reader's Digest Edition.

3. "Painting with your Artist's Brain" by Carl Purcell

4. “Complete Watercolor Course” by Richard Taylor

5. “Confident Color” by Nita Leland

Common Terms

used at WAS-H

Terms Used At WAS-H

1.  General Meeting This is a meeting that usually happens on the first Sunday of the month from September - May.  It is open to visitors and members.  The main event during this meeting is a demonstration by a member or guest artist.  Members pay $3.00 for the meeting unless they are members at the Bronze, Silver and Gold level, in which case their attendance is free.  Nonmembers pay $5.00 for the meeting.

2. Membership Meeting: This is a specific, infrequent business gathering required when a vote of the membership will take place.  There are special procedures required, found in the Bylaws (effective 5/23/23), to convene a membership meeting,

3. Juried:  An exhibit is juried when a judge selects which paintings will go into the show.  There are two juried shows, the AME and the IWE.  Monthly shows are not juried, that is, all paintings that meet the Prospectus will hang in the show.

4Judged:  A judge selects winners to receive awards.   All monthly shows are judged, and the AME and IWE are both juried and judged.

5. Prospectus:  This document explains the theme, if any, for each show and spells out the rules and regulations that participants must follow to exhibit their paintings in a show. You can find the current prospectus on the exhibition tab.

6AME:  Annual Members Exhibit  - this show occurs yearly in October.  It is open to WAS-H Members only.

7.  IWE:  International Watermedia Exhibit - this show occurs yearly in March.  It is open to artists around the world.

1601 West Alabama Houston TX 77006
Gallery: 713-942-9966
Questions? Email 

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10 am - 3 pm

©Watercolor Art Society - Houston. All images are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

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