Have you been wanting to get more connected into the WAS-H community?   Below are several volunteer teams you can join.  If interested, please contact our volunteer director at volunteer@watercolorhouston.org.   Join us, it's fun!

Join one of our Volunteer Teams

Help receive and hang the paintings for our monthly shows. This is an excellent place for new members to get started at WAS-H. It gives you an opportunity to meet lots of members, learn their names, and their style of painting. Not a lot of demands on your time; only once a month, on a Saturday morning.

Enjoy some time in the Gallery for a few hours on an occasional Saturday or weekday when our Artist Liaison must be away from her desk. In this capacity you will simply greet visitors who stroll in and answer any questions they may have about WAS-H or sell a painting hanging in the exhibit or sales gallery.

During monthly shows we host a simple reception. Are you the “Martha Stewart” of your community? This team could be for you! This opportunity only involves a few hours once a month. You can volunteer to serve wine, set-up buffets, decorate, or play host/hostess. It's a great way to meet people and learn who-is-who at WAS-H!

This team sets up the monthly General Meeting and its demo.  Duties include setting up the seating auditorium-style, running AV for the demo artist and running the slide show before the meeting, then resetting the room to classroom style after the meeting.

Do you like to write articles or photograph events?   WAS-H's Communications Director welcomes individual(s) to create Instagram, Facebook and website pages to reach new populations about WAS-H classes, exhibits, demos, paint-ins and other activities. 

Do you have retail experience?  This group helps to manage and run our member sales gallery.  The group helps to set up the space in a manner that encourages browsing, track inventory and performs inventory audits, and helps to publicize the wares.

The International Watermedia Exhibition is our largest, most prestigious yearly exhibit. The work of the IWE team includes a variety of jobs, each with its own subcommittee, including: uncrating/recrating, installing the exhibition, awards and creating the catalog.

Help us engage in the broader Houston community to focus on our mission to further the interest of Water media with various outreach endeavors such as painting activities with seniors at residential homes and children in the medical center.

WAS-H is a volunteer-run organization filled with many leadership opportunities. We are always seeking those members who are willing to serve in leadership roles. 

For any questions or to jump in and join a team, please contact our volunteer director.

Call 713-858-7395 or email: volunteer@watercolorhouston.org

1601 West Alabama Houston TX 77006
Gallery: 713-942-9966
Questions? Email 

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10 am - 3 pm

©Watercolor Art Society - Houston. All images are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

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