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  • July 14, 2022 7:06 PM | Nancy Moody

    For the October Major Workshop with Ryan Fox, WAS-H is seeking an individual to serve as the Workshop Coordinator.

    The Workshop Coordinator plans and carries out the logistics of the Workshop, which necessitates a considerable commitment of time and effort.  The position entails communicating directly with the Artist instructor and the students starting 2 months before the Workshop, assembling and disseminating instructions and materials, attending and tending the Workshop, and preparing a post-Workshop report to the Board of Directors.

    Skills required for the Coordinator position are

    - proficiency in planning and organizing

    - fluency in spoken and written communications

    - familiarity with setting up and operating Padlet or willingness to learn

    - familiarity with operating classroom A/V equipment or willingness to learn

    Experience from having attended a Major Workshop is desirable.

    In exchange for serving as Workshop Coordinator, you will be compensated with a complimentary seat in the Workshop, a value of $625.  (The IRS regards this form of compensation as taxable, and WAS-H will provide the Workshop Coordinator with a 1099 Form for tax purposes.)

    If you are interested in being considered for the Workshop Coordinator position, by July 31 please send an email note to Donna Van Fleet, co-vicepresident, at vicepresident@watercolorhouston.org

  • July 14, 2022 6:47 PM | Nancy Moody

    By Diane Trepagnier, AME Director

    Wet your brushes and start painting for the 53rd Annual Members Exhibit coming October 2022!  It’s not too early to start!  As in past years AME will award over $3000 in cash and merchandise, again making it one of the most highly anticipated events for our members.  We are looking forward to a bigger and better show this year.  

    We are excited to welcome artist Ryan Fox as our judge for this year’s AME whose works have been featured in Watercolor Artist Magazine and Art of Watercolour.  He is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society (AWS),New England Watercolor Society (NEWS), and Watercolor Society of North Carolina (WSNC).  He describes himself as a traveler, teacher, photographer, artist and father of two boys.  His paintings are based on his travel photographs, reinterpreted from the original images rendered with watercolor using a variety of techniques and surfaces.

    The AME is set for October 2 and exhibits will remain in the gallery for viewing during regular hours until November 3.

    You can soon find the prospectus on the WAS-H website. 

    Key Dates:

    Date online registration begins:​​​9/13/2022 – Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.

    Date drop-off begins:  ​​​​9/20/2022 – Tuesday, 10:00 a.m.

    Date online registration & drop-off ends:​​9/28/2022 – Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.

    Judging date:​​​​​​10/01/2022 - Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3:00p.m.

    General meeting, demo & awards:​​​10/02/2022 – Sunday, 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

    Gallery reception:​​​​​10/02/2022 – Sunday, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30pm. 

    Date to pick-up unaccepted paintings:​​10/04/2022 – Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    Last day of exhibit:​​​​​11/03/2022 – Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    Exhibit take-down & painting pick-up:​​11/03/2022 – Thursday, 10 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    If you have questions, contact Diane Trepagnier, AME Director at 281/253-7562 or ame@watercolorhouston.org.

  • July 07, 2022 2:23 PM | Nancy Moody

    By Donna Van Fleet, Co-Vice President

    You've read about him in Watercolor Artist magazine . . .


    . . . seen his work featured in Watercolor Artist, Art of Watercolour and Splash books . . . 



    Now meet Ryan in person!


     October 3 - 6 Major Workshop

    ​​​Registration opened July 3rd and 1/3 of the seats are already filled!

    ​​​Learn more about Ryan's Workshop  HERE

  • July 01, 2022 11:13 AM | Nancy Moody

    By Karen Stopnicki

    Dear WAS-H Friends,

    We have a lot of “hot” plans for July at WAS-H! And by hot, I mean exciting, not hot weather like the we have experienced the past few weeks.

    First up is our July Student/Teacher Show. Registration for entry and painting drop off deadline is Wednesday, July 6th.  Follow this link to the prospectus. This is a great chance to enter those paintings you did in a class. Plus, teachers are invited to display their work. The July 1st Friday Open Studio will have information on how to cut mats and frame your work. Drop in to learn more so you can enter the show.

    The July Gallery Show Awards reception will be on Sunday, July 10th at 3pm. Join us to enjoy the Student and Teacher Show, we are really excited about it, and expect a full and lively exhibit!

    A few more hot events: 

    • The Ryan Fox major  workshop opens for early-bird registration on July 3rd
    • Model Lab is adding some more evenings in July
    • There are a few open spots left in classes scheduled for July

    Look for upcoming show prospectuses, the August Gallery Show theme will be “Skies”, and the September Gallery Show theme will be “Blue.” Our Gallery Directors, Cissy Geigerman and Katie Steck, are finalizing details for both shows and want you to know now what is upcoming. 

    We had a fun New Member Orientation this week. This will be a regular event, so if you are new (or new-ish) to WAS-H, look for information to sign up. It is a great way to learn more about WAS-H, how to enter shows, and meet others new to our organization. After all, art friends are the best friends!

    We have lots of fun plans for the Fall in the works, including a full class schedule, the Art Fair, and the Annual Members Exhibit. WAS-H is a vibrant community, thank you for being part if it!

    If you haven’t already done so, please renew your membership today so you can take part in our Summer and Fall events. You can go to the website at THIS LINK to renew.

    Personally, we are just back from a family vacation to the Big Apple. It was fun to enjoy the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty and to watch our Astros play both the Mets and Yankees. Best of all, it was great to experience the energy of a city so well known for its arts. 

    I hope you have fun plans for the summer, and that WAS-H can be part of it. Wish you a Happy Fourth of July!

    Warm Regards,

    Karen Houston Stopnicki


    Watercolor Art Society - Houston


  • June 26, 2022 9:29 AM | Nancy Moody

    By Laura Mossman

    WAS-H students,

    The student show is your opportunity to submit paintings made in class or inspired by one of the classes you’ve taken at WAS-H!  That means any WAS-H class!  Zoom classes, senior classes, and monthly paint-ins are all allowed in the show – in addition to the regular quarterly offerings by one of our many WAS-H teachers.  Students who have won an Honorable Mention ARE eligible to enter the show.  The only students who can’t submit a painting are those who have won a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prize in a WAS-H monthly show or have had their painting accepted into the Annual Members Show or the International Show.

    While teacher paintings will be in the show, they will not be judged.  Only student paintings will be eligible for prizes!

    Need technical help?  Mike Doan will host a demonstration on how to use the WAS-H mat cutter on Friday, July 1st at 11:30 am and I’ll continue the discussion regarding framing/wiring your paintings.  We will answer all your questions!

    The deadline for entry is Wednesday, July 6.

    View the prospectus here.  Click HERE to register.

  • June 17, 2022 1:30 PM | Nancy Moody

    We frequently receive requests to provide basic watercolor demonstrations or classes to Senior Citizen Communities, Public Libraries, Schools and Assisted Living facilities. Have you ever thought about teaching a class? You don't have to be an expert watercolorist to introduce others to the art! All you need is basic knowledge and a love of art, in addition to some patience and a sense of humor!

    We will host a one-hour orientation for those who want to explore sharing your love of watercolor with others. We will discuss how to teach a class, supplies provided, and make suggestions on how to overcome your shyness! If interested, sign up for our Volunteer Orientation Class on the website, under the Activities tab.

  • June 17, 2022 1:10 PM | Nancy Moody

    Get out the clothesline, it's back!

    The WAS-H Art Fair, scheduled for October 8, 2022, is another great opportunity for you to volunteer AND sell your art at the same time! More information will be coming in July's Newsletter. Limited spaces are available so be sure to be the first to sign-up to participate once announced.

  • June 17, 2022 1:06 PM | Nancy Moody

    A sad note. Our watercolor colleague Kate Paxton passed away on May 7, 2022.

    There will be a memorial service at Christ the King Lutheran Church of Houston on June 29th at 7:00 pm.

    Read her obituary here.

  • June 17, 2022 12:49 PM | Nancy Moody

    WAS-H member, Olga Shotashvili, is showing a very personal set of artworks entitled "Freedom of Expression" at the Cultural Center OUR Texas, 2337 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005. The exhibit is open now through July 22. You can find more information at www.OURTX.org

  • June 17, 2022 12:25 PM | Nancy Moody

    This show gives WAS-H students an opportunity to "stand out" and to celebrate the WAS-H instructors who have encouraged their artistic journey. There are a few eligibility guidelines specific to this show so be sure to read the prospectus carefully. Only student entries are judged and eligible for prizes.

    WAS-H students may submit paintings made in class or made using techniques taught at WAS-H. The prospectus defines entrant qualifications.

    Registration has begun.

    Deadline: July 6 @ 3 pm

    Judging: July 9

    Reception: July 10 @ 3pm

    Show: July 12 - Aug 2

    Questions: contact Cissy or Katie at Gallerydirector@watercolorhouston.org

    Teachers, please submit an entry for this show!

    Future Teaser:  August Show Theme: Sky - anything with a sky in it!!

1601 West Alabama Houston TX 77006
Gallery: 713-942-9966
Questions? Email 

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10 am - 3 pm

©Watercolor Art Society - Houston. All images are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

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