It’s Time to Enter your Student Paintings!

June 26, 2022 9:29 AM | Nancy Moody

By Laura Mossman

WAS-H students,

The student show is your opportunity to submit paintings made in class or inspired by one of the classes you’ve taken at WAS-H!  That means any WAS-H class!  Zoom classes, senior classes, and monthly paint-ins are all allowed in the show – in addition to the regular quarterly offerings by one of our many WAS-H teachers.  Students who have won an Honorable Mention ARE eligible to enter the show.  The only students who can’t submit a painting are those who have won a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prize in a WAS-H monthly show or have had their painting accepted into the Annual Members Show or the International Show.

While teacher paintings will be in the show, they will not be judged.  Only student paintings will be eligible for prizes!

Need technical help?  Mike Doan will host a demonstration on how to use the WAS-H mat cutter on Friday, July 1st at 11:30 am and I’ll continue the discussion regarding framing/wiring your paintings.  We will answer all your questions!

The deadline for entry is Wednesday, July 6.

View the prospectus here.  Click HERE to register.


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