February Members Meeting Demo: Susan Giannantonio

January 31, 2023 12:56 PM | Nancy Moody

When Pablo Picasso added cut up newspapers and pieces of wallpaper to his cubist compositions, fervor for collage developed. Initially called papier collé, French for glued paper, collage artists assemble recognizable pieces from everyday life into new original artworks.

Come see and hear Susan Giannantonio demonstrate collage-making at the monthly Members Meeting 

February 5th, 2 p.m.

The awards presentation and reception will follow the demonstration.

The juror for this show, "Fire and Ice", is Dena M. Woodall, PhD. Curator of Prints and Drawings, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Dr. Woodall oversees a varied collection of drawings, watercolors, prints, artists’ books, and print matrices created between the 12th-21st centuries from around the world. Dena earned her Ph.D. in art history from Case Western Reserve University. Prior to joining the MFAH in 2008, Dr. Woodall served as fellow in the prints & drawings department at the Cleveland Museum of Art and research associate at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. The Kinder Building hosts the Museum’s international collections of modern and contemporary art and she curates bi-annual installations of prints and drawings devoted to the specific histories and mediums of printmaking and drawing. Dr. Woodall is currently working on an exhibition and catalogue of the Stuart Collection, dedicated to British drawings and watercolors from the 18th and 19th centuries. She is an affiliated professor in art history at Rice University. Dena has been a member of the Print Council of America since 2012. In the last few years, she has assisted with editing the PCA Newsletter.

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