Member News - Passing of Mary Treanor

August 28, 2022 10:43 AM | Nancy Moody

We were sad to hear of the passing of longtime WAS-H member Mary Treanor on 8/21/2022. Mary actively participated at WAS-H, taking classes, joining in the senior group and serving on the WAS-H Board for several years.

Follow THIS LINK for her obituary.


  • September 01, 2022 9:47 PM | Gay Paratore
    Mary will be greatly missed; she was a kind and gracious lady. I am a WAS-H member, too. I am from Santa, Fe, Texas and have a summer home in Maine and so did Mary, I enjoyed painting with her in her home in Maine and meeting her group of friends. We also got to visit at the Seal Cove Auto Museum events. I was not able to go to Maine for the last two summers and Mary was sweet enough to call and check on me. I was so looking forward to next summer and painting with her and her little group; she will be greatly missed. I extend my sympathy to her entire family. Sincerely, Gay Paratore
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