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  • WAS-H Orientation

WAS-H Orientation

  • February 07, 2025
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • WAS-H, 1601 Alabama at Mandell, Houston, TX 77006
  • 20


  • Member Registration
  • Member Registration

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WAS-H Orientation

Friday, February 7 from

1 pm - 2 pm

Fun and Free!

Open to Members and the public

This orientation is designed to explain what the Watercolor Art Society - Houston is and how it operates.  We explain the benefits of being a member and how to take full advantage of membership.

Topics discussed will include:

Monthly Shows and how to enter them, Classes and Workshops, Volunteer opportunities, and outreach activities.  This will also be a good opportunity for new members to get to know each other, ask questions and make suggestions on how WAS-H can serve it's members.

This event is free but requires online registration.

Teacher Name:  

Teachers Name:

Teachers Email Address:

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