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  • Landscapes for Beginners

Landscapes for Beginners

  • February 18, 2025
  • 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
  • 1601 W. Alabama at Mandell, Houston, Texas 77006
  • 9


  • Member Registration
  • Non-member registration fee is an additional $10.00 per day


Landscapes for Beginners

Fred Kingwill

One-Day Workshop

Tuesday, Feb. 18

9:30 am - 3:30 pm

$75 Members/$85 Non-Members

Here's a chance to explore and create landscape paintings. Discover how to use form, line, color, and texture to portray your impressions and feelings about landscapes.

Fred Kingwill has taught the magic of watercolors for over 40 years and looks forward to teaching this class!

Beginner and Intermediate students

Here is the student supply list:  Kingwill - Supply List 2023.pdf

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