From our members: plein aire painting in self-quarantine

April 07, 2020 12:30 PM | Deleted user

What does the WAS-H Plein Aire Coordinator, Louise Bateman  do while self quarantined?   She gets out her Plein Aire equipment, sets up in her driveway and paints a Nandina bush.    The painting was not worthy of posting, (her inner critic was very loud), but just being outside, wetting the paints, and putting her brush to paper, made some of her stress melt away.   Perhaps tomorrow's painting will be worth posting.    She challenges all the other plein aire painters to send in what they are painting!


  • April 16, 2020 4:35 PM | Diane Cox
    Hello Louise,
    Nice setup and view. I have some flowers I want to paint outside.
    Looks like you live in a forest!
    Happy Painting!
    Diane Cox
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