January 8th Demo Artist, Kim Granhaug

December 31, 2022 2:37 PM | Nancy Moody

"Of all the arts, abstract painting is the most difficult."

 ~  Wassily Kandinsky

January Members Meeting

Sunday, January 8, 2 p.m.

Kim Granhaug, January 8th's demo artist says, " Non-objective abstract does not have a subject matter to hide behind.  As an abstract painter, my challenge is to represent the emotion or essence of an experience.  The artwork must convey harmony, discord, pain, joy, love, tension, anxiety, for example the feeling of surviving a flood without painting the flood itself."

"Harvey" by Kim Granhaug

Whether you like abstract art, hate it or just don't understand it, bring your curiosity to the January 8th Membership Meeting, where Kim Granhaug will demonstrate how to communicate an experience through line, shape, color, form and gestural marks.

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