Holiday Small Treasures Bazaar

November 22, 2022 8:58 PM | Nancy Moody

By Cissy Geigerman , WAS-H Gallery Co-Director

Our gallery is “a-WASH” with small treasures just in time for holiday shopping. This exhibit is full of small framed paintings and unframed works that are available to purchase and carry away. It is amazing to see so much creative effort in these little wonders. Restrictions for framed paintings are lifted and the effects are handsome indeed. 

In order to display everything, we decided to hang the unframed, matted paintings on soft gallery panels. The lesson here is, be careful what you wish for! Our members really stepped up and submitted over 90 framed paintings and over 200 unframed items. We were able to hang almost everything with the timely help of our volunteers. Bella Attia is a decorating whiz. She was given a bundle of supplies, a free rein, and the results are great! Mansueto Fabugais is becoming expert in hanging frames at just the right height. Irene Sheytman was just walking through and jumped in to help hang the matted paintings, and re-hang them because they were falling off. We are delighted to have positive feedback from visitors at the reception.

Our random winner of a $100.00 gift is William Owens. He also has framed paintings on display. Be sure to visit the gallery often during this show because the paintings may be replaced with new works as they are sold.

The show continues through the end of the year.

We invite you to join us during our member holiday party on December 4 if you haven't seen the exhibit yet. It will be FUN!

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