Volunteer Teachers Orientation

June 17, 2022 1:30 PM | Nancy Moody

We frequently receive requests to provide basic watercolor demonstrations or classes to Senior Citizen Communities, Public Libraries, Schools and Assisted Living facilities. Have you ever thought about teaching a class? You don't have to be an expert watercolorist to introduce others to the art! All you need is basic knowledge and a love of art, in addition to some patience and a sense of humor!

We will host a one-hour orientation for those who want to explore sharing your love of watercolor with others. We will discuss how to teach a class, supplies provided, and make suggestions on how to overcome your shyness! If interested, sign up for our Volunteer Orientation Class on the website, under the Activities tab.


  • June 17, 2022 4:39 PM | Jan McNeill (Administrator)
    i would like to sign up for the orientation but can not find it on the website's Activities tab. Can you please send me instructions on where exactly to find it?
    Regards, Jan
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