A Shout Out to Member Carol Rensink

June 05, 2022 1:35 PM | Nancy Moody

Shout out to WAS-H’s own Carol Rensink from the Royal Drawing School in London.

Many of you may know Carol Rensink as the head coordinator for the Model Lab program at WAS-H. She developed the program, has been leading it for years, and has been instrumental in developing a quality weekly studio program to draw and paint from live models. She also suggested our use of Padlet for online ZOOM classes that helped make them a success.

She has been taking online courses from the Royal Drawing School (RDS) since the beginning of the pandemic. They recently profiled her in this lovely article.

https://www.royaldrawingschool.org/courses/public-courses/student-stories/carol-rensink/   The article mentions her work with WAS-H, and provides a lovely profile on Carol.


  • June 09, 2022 7:08 PM | Deleted user
    Congratulations Carol!
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