May 15, 2022 demo: urban sketching

May 04, 2022 10:33 AM | Deleted user

Please join us for May 15th demo at the gallery. It is a part of monthly general meeting, it is an informative and entertaining part of the members’ gathering. On May 15 there will be duet of demo artists - Cissy Geigerman and Irene Sheytman.

Cissy will be talking about sketchbook painting in a not-so-quick style:

* Why sketchbook work is important for skill building

* Tools and materials to use on the go

* How to decide what will best fit onto the page

* Color mixing to capture tones from life

Irene will talk about Perspective Drawing, Linear vs Atmospheric.

* Linear; Vanishing points,

* Horizon placement

* Vantage point

* Travel sketchbooks. Quick pen and ink drawing, capturing mood and place.

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