
May 18, 2021 2:38 PM | Deleted user

Duncan Simmons’ Passing

We regret to inform our WAS-H members that long time WAS-H elite signature member W Duncan Simmons passed away May 8, 2021 at the age of 85. Duncan was a talented artist and won many awards. Duncan taught classes at WAS-H as well as collaborated on multiple innovative paintings with fellow WAS-H member Keiko Yasuoka.

The family asks that remembrances in Duncan’s memory be sent to the Watercolor Art Society - Houston.


  • June 14, 2021 9:55 AM | Robin Avery
    Duncan was an extremely generous artist and friend. He was quick to share his knowledge and guidance to all.
    His dedication to his art showed through in his many award winning pieces.
    I’ve missed him these pass couple of years
    As his appearances at Was-h became less frequent. Rest In Peace,Duncan.
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  • June 28, 2021 10:45 AM | Larry Spitzberg (Administrator)
    Duncan was a teacher and mentor to me.
    I have missed seeing him in his cowboy hat at Was-h these last couple of years.
    Rest in peace, Duncan.
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