Why I love taking a collage class on Zoom

February 03, 2021 3:19 PM | Deleted user

by Laurie Hammons

People often comment on the pluses and minuses of our life on Zoom.  Well, I have found a benefit to Zoom that I may not be willing to give up:  Taking collage classes on Zoom. 

Let me explain.  In the “before times,” when I have taken in-person classes in collage, I had to make some hard decisions about what I would be able to bring with me to class:  my collection of magazine clippings?  my box of colored paper? Texture items (cardboard, fabric, tissue, wire, string)? Printed items (old letters, books, newspapers, tickets, stamps, wrapping paper, postcards, paint chips)? Other important items: adhesives, substrates, brushes, cutting tools, stencils, paints of all types (watercolor, acrylic, gouache), pencils, crayons, markers, nature objects (leaves, grasses), anything else I may have forgotten?  Whew!

But I’m here to say, I LOVE taking a collage class by zoom.  No hard decisions!  All your stuff is right there when the teacher gives you a great example of something you can try.  No more thinking disappointedly, “But I have that at home!”  You ARE at home! You can just run out to the garage and find that piece of corrugated cardboard, string, or wire.  You can let your imagination run wild!

And, you are in luck! We have an acrylic design and collage class starting on Thursday afternoon with our talented and experienced collage artist, Susan Giannantonio.  To sign up, click on this link: https://watercolorhouston.org/event-4065658

Come join the fun!


  • February 03, 2021 3:53 PM | Laura McMahon (Administrator)
    Yes, of course!!! Thanks, Laurie.
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    • February 03, 2021 4:16 PM | Donna Rybiski
      You are so right! Susan is a first rate teacher who has lots of tricks to help make you creation terrific. She has turned me into a hoarder as every time I think I’ll discard some scrap, I pause thinking this might work for a piece of art!
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