Sales Gallery Coordinator

Madhavi Gavini

Buy-Monthly Sales Gallery

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All members are welcome to participate in the Buy-Monthly Sales Gallery! 

We open-up registration every two-three months.  Registration is free, and you can enter up to 10 pieces of art.  They must be original works (no copies or giclées.).There is no fee for registration. Upon sale of a painting, the artist will receive 75% and WAS-H will receive 25% of the proceeds.


To also participate in the online WAS-H Store:

Email a high-quality digital picture of each entry to

Works in the Sales Gallery can be picked up on or after Tuesday, April 1.

Registration will open again in March, with a deadline of Wednesday, April 2 @ 3 pm.

Here is how to enter:

  1. Register online: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
  2. Email a picture of each painting to:
  3. Bring your paintings to WAS-H before the deadline.

Include the following information in the registration form on-line so we can label your work:

  1. Title of the work.
  2. Size of the painting (don't include the mat)
  3. Mediums used (watercolor, acrylic, etc.)
  4. Price

1601 West Alabama Houston TX 77006
Gallery: 713-942-9966
Questions? Email

HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday, 10 am - 3 pm

©Watercolor Art Society - Houston. All images are property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

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