Enhance your creativity and develop your own design style in Abstracts! We will review paintings of successful artists and identify what elements and design compositions unlock the mystery of great abstracts! Demos will include painting techniques, and how to create textures, movement, & mystery in our abstract paintings! Instructor one on one time with each student to develop their own style.
Paints: Acrylic Craft Paint in 2 Fluid Ounce sizes Matte Finish (no satin finishes) Sources: Michael’s, Hobby Lobby or any brand of acrylic paint,(example Liquitex) that you like will work great for this class.
Paper: Arches Watercolor paper, Cold press, 2 sheets 30 x 22, 140 lb. weight,
Paint Colors: Black or Navy, White, and 6 colors your choice. (Think of colors that will work well together).
Brushes: Any brushes for acrylic paints or craft paints will be fine. ½” to 1”, and 1.5” wide flat brushes, and one or two round brushes. (You do not need to buy expensive brushes for Acrylic painting)
Plastic gloves: we will be using our hands for some painting and blending
Palette: to mix paints or you can use a plastic or plexiglass surface
Water containers: at least 2
Normal painting supplies, such as paper towels, sponge, water spray bottle, notebook for taking notes.
Crayons, colored pencils
Note: Texturing and mark making materials will be provided for the class. You may also bring any materials you personally like to use for your painting.
Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced