From our members: sharing new artwork

May 10, 2020 2:18 PM | Deleted user

Congratulations to WAS-H member Gay Paratore who sent the following news:

Hi, I just got a call from the Texas Watercolor Society! I won an $1000.00 award for "Beach Babes". The judge picked it because it "made her smile". Made me smile, too! The painting is below:


Kanya Kelly sent us her new artwork titled Fantasy Dreams. Here is what she wrote:

"I was creating a tree series. One of the series is "Fantasy Dreams". During the cabin fever of the lockdown I wanted to bring vibrant colors and cheerful moods to my work. So, I played with warm/cool values using wet on wet and wet on dry techniques. I only used loose goose brush to create lines, branches and tree trunks.

Using Sennelier watercolors I did not paint straight from the tube but let the colors mingle on paper instead of mixing on the pallet."

Kanya's painting is below:

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